
Textmate student
Textmate student

textmate student

Here’s a collection of our favorite text editors. 📋 Check out the top ones! Click to Tweet Collection of the Best Text Editors (And Some IDEs) There's nothing more satisfying than finding the perfect text editor.


You’ll also find some great editors for collaboration, real-time code sharing, and much more. Hence, general performance is improved.Some of the text editors are excellent for experienced developers, while others are more for beginners or writers.

textmate student

the biggest plus: it finally is fully integrated into OSX 64bit.


Recently, a new version for the Mac came out, and some of those long-lost positive feelings have re-surfaced. However, sometimes it’s not possible to avoid it, especially since at work we’re using Excel to teach students. Since MS Word 6.0 is gone, my positive feelings for Word and its office suite have disappeared. It will be interesting to see what will be created with these options. Also, Mendeley has a public API, so programmers can access research paper statistics, for example. The interesting part is that you can look for people with similar research interests, say statistics in earth sciences, and see what those people are reading. Mendeley is still pre v.1.0, and I had and still have issues importing my bibtex library into Mendeley.


You have to sign up, and the basic version is free and comes with 500MB personal space and 500MB shared space. It’s an approach to social-web-style-reference management funded by Skype, last.fm, and Warner Music. Recently Mendeley showed up on the scene. I’m aware that the functionality for reading and commenting in Papers is supposed to be improved compared to BibDesk.


A factor that counts pro BibDesk is that BibDesk is open source software. So far, I’ve been fairly happy with BibDesk‘s capabilities, especially, it’s easy link to writing latex documents in TextMate and its ability to automatically store pdfs. Also, I need to reference them when writing a scientific article. And since there are many, I need a way to store and find them. MendeleyĪs a PhD student, I need to read scientific papers. It’s fast, it can be nicely integrated into Safari, and it has some nice features like “read later”. is an online bookmark storage/sharing tool. But isn’t that always the problem? PinboardĪ common complaint is that Yahoo never gave much love. It sure would be nice to have one for all. To conclude, I use a combination of DevonThink, Scrivener, and Textmate for blogging, OmniOutliner for writing notes in courses and meetings, and TextMate for scientific writing. Also, there is the classic outliner OmniOutliner which together with OO3eq offers basic latex capabilities. Also for organization, DEVONthink Pro is still superior in my opinion. But it does not cover my most important needs for scientific writing (even though there are some workarounds ( here and here) via markdown, but they remain workarounds. It has some really nice features like split panes, internal links, or how it handles comments. I see scrivener’s strong points especially for writing combined with organization. And TextMate is probably as good as a latex editor in the foreseeable future will get. The thing is, for scientific writing, I don’t see an option to latex. So far, I have even written all blog posts using TextMate (I am aware of MarsEdit, but I haven’t tried it yet). However, I still haven’t found an ideal solution, hence I still write most of what I write in latex or markdown using TextMate. – Write - I am writing this post in scrivener. – collect data / “research” - it even has some features I wish DEVONthink Pro would have Rather, they offer slight improvements which on a daily basis offer nice benefits Scrivener 2.0Īs I see it, the new scrivener is a great tool to Mostly, these tools don’t offer incredible novel features. Recently, some improvements on old tools emerged, and some new guys showed up on the scene. Similarly, Phd students need to use some “tools of the trade”.

Textmate student